JobsPlus is a new employer incentive scheme introduced to encourage and reward employers, who offer fulltime employment to jobseekers (i.e. a jobseeker is a person who have been on the live register for a minimum of 12 months).
This incentive scheme was launched on 1st July, 2013 by the Department of Social Protection, initially on a pilot basis.
The outline of the scheme will pay eligible employers up to €10,000 over a two-year period to offset wage costs for jobseekers. Payments are made directly to the employer by EFT on a monthly basis and employment offered must be on a fulltime basis for a minimum of 30 hours. Eligible participants under JobBridge, the National Internship Scheme, or Work Placement Programme (WPP) can also be offered employment under this scheme.
The Incentive works on two levels of payment as outlined below:
•Level 1 – €7,500 paid over a two-year period for each person employed who are from 12 -24 months unemployed.
•Level 2 – €10,000 paid over a two-year period to employers who take on persons more than 24 months unemployed.
There is no limit on the number of new recruits per employer.
—-> How to Apply
Employers must be registered for PAYE and give authorisation for an Officer of the DSP to check the company Tax Clearance Certificate. If you wish to avail of this incentive as an employer, you will need to complete a registration form online at
Once your company has been confirmed as eligible, you can commence the recruitment process.
Further information on this scheme is available at or you can call the DSP on 1890 927 999.
– a newsbrief by Kilkenny based Lawyers Holland Condon