It is extremely important for everybody to make a will. It is simple, fast and inexpensive. When you are drafting your will with us, we can provide you with invaluable advice based on our experience, and can draw up a will specifically tailored to suit your needs, based on our large bank of template wills in our computer system. Generally, it takes only a few minutes to make a will with us. We also have a computerised Wills Register. All wills held by us are confidential to the maker of the will until that person dies. We hold the will in one of our specially constructed strong rooms as a free service to our clients.
A Will is a written legal document allowing you to decide who is to benefit when you die. Otherwise, the Law decides your beneficiaries; and it is as follows:
- (a) If you are married and have no children, then all your assets go to your spouse;
- (b) If you are married and you have children, then two-thirds of all your assets go to your spouse and one-third is split amongst your children;
- (c) If you are single, then your assets go to your parents, and if they are dead, then equally between your brothers and sisters.
The benefits in making your own will are:
The benefits in making your own will are:
- You choose who looks after your funeral and your affairs;
- You may need to protect someone vulnerable in your life e.g. adult with special needs, or addiction problems; A will allows you to do this;
- Protection for children under 18. Even if you don’t have any money/assets, ask yourself, who will be their guardians if you have no will? Important if 2 parents die or in separation cases or for a single parent;
- Allows for tax planning;
- Allows for continuity of a business or farming enterprise;
- No Will, usually involves more legal costs so less money for your beneficiaries.
Why do you need our will drafting service?
At Holland Condon Solicitors, there are many reasons why you may need our Will drafting service:
- We help you build a will catered specifically to your wishes
- We hold the will in one of our strong rooms to ensure strict confidentiality
- It only takes a few minutes to set up a will with us
- We help you with the administration of the estate and assets
Who can make a will with us?
Any individual who is 18 or over can make a will. This enables you to plan for your assets and legal expenditure after your passing. This makes it easier for your beneficiaries to distribute your belongings and assets.
How To Make A Will & Who Should
- Buy one in a bookshop and fill in blanks- this is risky
- Go online – this can be confusing to follow
- Go to your Solicitor, (or better still contact this solicitors firm based in Kilkenny and get us to do it for you!!)
- Anyone over 18 years and of sound mind can make a will.
Who can make a will with us?
Any individual who is 18 or over can make a will. This enables you to plan for your assets and legal expenditure after your passing. This makes it easier for your beneficiaries to distribute your belongings and assets.
What is the best way to get in touch with our Wills Solicitors?
You can contact our Wills Solicitors today by phone or email.
How much do Solicitors charge?
The amount a Solicitor charges in Ireland is a matter for the Solicitor and client to agree. Essentially, Solicitors charge on the basis of the complexity of the matter, the time involved, the urgency and the value of the transaction. Solicitors’ fees vary throughout the Republic of Ireland and so it is worth a customer’s time to ask for an estimation or quote at the earliest opportunity. A Solicitor is obliged to give you a quote as soon as practicable.
Do I need to travel and physically attend at the Solicitors office?
No, in this modern age with electronic communications, your physical presence is not necessary at our offices in Castlecomer, County Kilkenny. We can arrange online face to face meetings. In some situations, we will require to establish your identity and place of residence, however, we try and make this as pain free and as easy as possible.
What locations do Holland Condon Solicitors provide services to?
We provide services to any person, any company or any organisation located anywhere in the world! Mainly, our clients reside in the South East of Ireland and, particularly, in the Counties Carlow, Kilkenny and Laois.
What Legal Services do you provide?
Holland Condon Solicitors, Kilkenny, provide Legal Services in the area of injury claims, property transactions, house sales and purchases, making Wills for people and helping next of kin/family/friends when a loved one/family member has passed away. We also provide a Commissioner for Oaths service. All our services are detailed above and can be accessed by clicking on the relevant icon on our web page.
How much does it cost to make a Will with a Solicitor?
It is relatively inexpensive to make a Will with us. It is certainly less costly than the trouble and stress that is created when a person makes their own Will that turns out to be invalid or the person has not made a Will at all. Before you make an appointment to see us, we are happy to indicate the cost of making a Will for you without any commitment from you.
What advice would you give before calling to see a Solicitor?
We would advise that you write down any questions that you have and bring those questions with you to the meeting.
Can any other people see the contents of my Will?
No, not until you have passed away. A Will is a confidential document and will not be revealed to any party without the consent of the person that has made the Will or a Court Order is made. We do not discuss the contents of one spouses’ Will with another spouse.
I have made a Will and want to change it?
A Will has no meaning until the person passes away. Therefore, a Will can be changed at any time up to death. Wills are not fixed documents and can be changed. If you have any doubts about a Will that you have made, then it is important that you make an appointment and discuss this with your Solicitor.
Can I bring my Will home and store it at home?
Yes, you can, but, our advice is not to keep copies at home in the event that prying eyes might get to have a look at the Will and that might create difficulties. Also, if you have a copy of an old Will and make a new Will, this could give rise to legal disputes.
Do I need to tell people what I have put in my Will?
No, you do not need to tell anybody. The contents of a Will are confidential. It is at your discretion as to what you want to do. You should at least, tell somebody that you have made a Will and the name of the Solicitors that hold the Will.
Can I put my burial wishes in the Will?
Yes, you can, but our advice is that you should tell your next-of-kin. Very often, people are already buried or the funeral service has taken place before the contents of the Will are seen.
What do you do once I have made my Will?
We put your Will in a fireproof safe in a sealed envelope only to be opened on your death or when you call to make a new Will.
Can I omit my Spouse or Civil Partner from my Will?
Yes, you can, but that will have legal consequences. Under Law, you are obliged to leave something to your Spouse or Civil Partner. They are entitled to what is known as “a legal right share”, which is they are entitled to a minimum of your Estate, which amounts to ½ of the Estate if no children and 1⁄3 if there are children.
Do I have to leave something in my Will to my children or my Partner that I have co-habited with?
These people do not have an automatic entitlement to a specific share, but, they do have rights to seek redress in the Courts if they can show they were not financially looked after during their life or that they are financially dependant on you into the future.
Should I review my Will?
We would recommend that people would review their Will every 3-5 years so as to ensure that the Will is tax efficient and that there are no changes in the Law that would affect the Will and the persons’ wishes.
Who should I appoint as my Trustee or Executor?
As the name suggest, you need to appoint somebody that you trust and it’s as simple as that. You don’t have to ask them before you make the Will but we would recommend that you do this i.e. ask them if they are okay with becoming your Executor or Trustee.
Can I leave property to people with conditions?
Yes, you can, but the Law is restrictive in this area. You could leave land/property to Party A with conditions that they pay B, C and D, €xxx each.
I have had a stroke or have some disability can I make a Will?
Yes, you can make a Will provided your doctor believes that you are mentally competent and capable of so doing.
Do I bring my Executor or somebody else with me with I make my Will?
No, it is not necessary. We recommend that you meet with the Solicitor on your own and that your Will is discussed only with the Solicitor as this is the most confidential way to do it. In fact, even in husband and wife cases, each spouse needs to be seen separately by the Solicitor when they are making their Will.
Do Solicitors call to your house or hospital to make a Will if you can’t travel?
Yes, we can travel to you if you are unable to attend at our office. On occasions, we call to hospitals and nursing homes to make Wills for people, who are resident in those premises. That said, the cheapest way of making a Will is to call to the Solicitor's office.
How many Wills do you make in a year?
This office would make over 600 Wills per annum and have been drafting wills since our foundation in 1941. It is estimated that we have made in excess of 20,000 Wills in our wills safe!