Shopping around for a solicitor

Jun 25, 2015

Recently, Conor Pope in the Irish Times wrote an article on how to hire a solicitor. He spoke to 20 solicitors in his research –

It’s an interesting article with some good points, but not great ones! Firstly, I think speaking to solicitors about how you go about hiring them is silly. Talk to consumers about their advice on how to pick a solicitor not to the service provider.

How would I go about picking a mechanic, plumber, doctor or dentist etc. It’s the same process. Here’s my contribution to your decision :-

  • Get recommendations from friends and family
  • Check the internet and the solicitors website.
  • Find out how long they have been in business.
  • Have a short telephone call to see if you are going to get on – its a relationship after all
  • Ask the solicitor what expertise they have
  • Visit the solicitor’s premises – does it impress you.
  • If you want to know how much it will cost (and who doesn’t), then, chat to the solicitor on this at the beginning. If he/she avoids the subject then I’d be nervous using them.

Happy hunting !

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