Manchester Solicitors advising victims of recent atrocity for free – Well Done !!!

Jun 2, 2017

Following the terrible Manchester Arena, the Manchester Law Society started co-ordinating a pro bono advice rota, organising firms, willing to give pro bono advice and free representation to bereaved families to assist with CICA and Inquests and pro bono advice to seriously injured people to assist with CICA claims.

Other areas being co-ordinated are :-
Property ownership/mortgage
Welfare Benefits
Family/Child Custody
Death in service/pension
Financial obligations/debt

The aim is for bereaved families and injured victims to receive 100% compensation.

Well done to all solicitors involved in this noble effort.

And for any U.K. solicitor reading this blog.If you are willing to act for clients referred to Manchester Law Society please confirm by e-mailing, with your name, firm, FULL contact details and area of speciality to

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