Sometimes, we get queries where people have problems with the services or legal bill or advices received from a solicitor.
FIRSTLY, we recommend that like any relationship, you should discuss your concerns with the other party ( i.e. the solicitor involved) and get an agreement in writing about how you both can move forward in an amicable way.
If you are not happy, then, you should write to one of the other solicitors in the firm, or arrange a meeting with them to express your concerns. if the solicitor is a “one-man operation”, you might like to chat to another solicitor in the county who might liaise with your solicitor to see if matters can be resolved.
If you still don’t get satisfaction, then the Law Society of Ireland, as the regulatory body for Irish solicitors, may be able to help you depending on the circumstances as outlined here.
Complaints the Society may Investigate
The Society may investigate complaints against solicitors made by or on behalf of clients (including beneficiaries) alleging:
A. Inadequate Professional Services
This is defined in Section 8 of the 1994 Solicitors (Amendment) Act as services which are inadequate in any material respect and are not of a quality that could reasonably be expected of a solicitor or a firm of solicitors.
B. Excessive Fees
- The Society can deal with a complaint by or on behalf of a client that a bill is excessive.
- The Society is not permitted to consider any complaint about a bill that is more than five years old.
A client also has the option, within a year of delivery of the bill, of requesting his solicitor to refer the bill to theTaxing Master.
C. Misconduct
The statutory definition of Misconduct in the Solicitors Acts includes but is not restricted to:
- Conduct tending to bring the solicitors’ profession into disrepute.
- The contravention of a provision of the Solicitors Acts 1954-2002, or any order or regulation made thereunder.
Visit the Law Society’s website for more information =
It’s expected that in 2016 a new Solicitors Regulatory Authority will be established to oversee and regulate Solicitors practising in Ireland.