Legal Paperwork Needed For The Sale Of Property In Ireland – Our Tips

Aug 25, 2023

Selling your property can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can streamline the legal process and ensure a faster sale. We’ve compiled a comprehensive expert tips guide to help you navigate the intricate steps of selling your property.

From obtaining crucial documents to addressing legal and financial considerations, here’s what you need to know.

1. Gather Essential Documents Early

As soon as you decide to put your property up for sale, begin by collecting vital documents:

Title Deeds: If your property is mortgage-free, obtain certified copies of folio(s) and file plans from the Property Registration Authority. If a bank holds your deeds, the County Council, or another solicitor, retrieve them promptly to avoid delays.
Auctioneer Information: If using an auctioneer, share your solicitor’s details. If no auctioneer is involved, request the purchaser’s solicitor to send a note outlining the sale details to your solicitor.
Contents List: If movable items are included in the sale, prepare a comprehensive list and request the auctioneer value them.

2. Address Planning, Roads, and Services

Engage an expert (architect/engineer/planning consultant) to address critical aspects:

Planning: Ensure compliance with planning and building regulations. Obtain planning and building regulations reports from experts. If you’ve made additions post-mortgage, seek certification for compliance or exemption.
Services and Roads: Prove the provision of water, sewerage, and access road. Provide documented evidence from a professional or the local council.
Boundary Verification: Check if the boundary aligns with your legal mapaddress discrepancies to prevent future issues.

3. Manage Taxation and Grants

Consult an accountant for Capital Gains Tax, VAT, and CAT implications. If grants were received, understand if they are repayable upon specific events.

4. Handle Annual Charges

Ensure all charges related to the property are up to date:

Water, Refuse, and Sewerage Charges: Obtain details and evidence of payment.
Managed Estates/Apartments: Confirm payment of service charges.
Local Property Tax (LPT): Obtain a Property History Summary and ensure payment for the current year.
Household Charge (HHC): Provide evidence of payment.
Non-Principal Private Residence Tax (NPPR): Obtain discharge certificates for the relevant years.

5. Secure a BER Certificate

A Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate is necessary for buildings included in the sale. Ensure no changes or deterioration invalidate the certificate.

6. Acquire a PPS Number

If you don’t have a Personal Public Service (PPS) number, get one early, as it’s essential for the completion date.

7. Seek Professional Help

Remember, these steps can be complex, and it’s crucial to consult experts, such as solicitors, accountants, and planning consultants, to ensure a smooth process. Their guidance can save time, prevent potential issues, and accelerate sales.

Property selling involves meticulous attention to detail and a proactive approach to addressing legal, financial, and administrative aspects. By following these expert tips, you can streamline the process, minimise delays, and ensure a faster, hassle-free sale. At Holland Condon Solicitors, we’re committed to providing quality service and valuable legal advice to make your property sale experience efficient and successful.

Do you still have questions? Please download our PDF here. This document expands on the various tips we’ve shared in this blog. Alternatively, we invite you to contact our solicitor’s office and schedule a consultation with one of our expert conveyancing solicitors.

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