Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Charter

May 28, 2020

28th May, 2020

Today, this firm signed up to and committed to the Irish Law Society Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Charter.

We appreciate the importance of integrating gender equality, diversity and inclusion principles into the workplace for the benefit of the firm, organisations, clients, staff and ourselves. By signing the GEDI Charter, we were expressing our commitment to upholding and promoting these principles in our workplaces and in the solicitors’ profession.

The signatories to the GEDI Charter will treat all individuals and groups of individuals fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, in areas of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, race, class, disability or membership of the Traveller Community.

As such, the signatories will:

  • Recognise the individual needs of those we employ and support them to develop to their full potential.
  • Ensure equal access to opportunities for those we employ.
  • Ensure our policies, procedures and processes promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Carry out our work without bias, in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner.
  • Build awareness and understanding of the benefits of promoting gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • John D. Holland is our senior partner who is accountable for the Charter commitments.

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