English 5 year old fined for planning breaches !!!

Sep 15, 2017

A five-year-old girl was left in tears after she was fined £150 for setting up a lemonade stand in East London. Andre Spicer’s daughter decided to sell cups of lemonade at the end of her street in Mile End, as hundreds of people were attending Lovebox festival in nearby Victoria Park.

But within 30 minutes of setting up, 4 council enforcement officers approached her and read from a legal letter informing her that, because she didn’t have a trading permit, she would be fined £150.

Mr Spicer said his daughter loved the idea of setting up a stall near their home. “She just wanted to put a smile on people’s faces. She was really proud of herself,” he said. “But after a small time trading, four enforcement officers walked over from the other side of the road. I was quite shocked. I thought that they would just tell us to pack up and go home.”

The girl’s father Andre Spicer said his daughter had set up the stall in Mile End, east London, while thousands of music fans were on their way to the Lovebox Festival at the weekend. Mr Spicer said his daughter burst into tears and told him “I’ve done a bad thing”.



“But they turned on their mobile camera and began reading from a big script explaining that she did not have a trading licence.

“My daughter clung to me screaming ‘Daddy, Daddy, I’ve done a bad thing.’ She’s five.

“We were then issued a fine of £150. We packed up and walked home.”

A council spokesman said: “We are very sorry that this has happened. We expect our enforcement officers to show common sense and to use their powers sensibly.

“This clearly did not happen.

“The fine will be cancelled immediately and we have contacted Mr Spicer and his daughter to apologise.”

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