Had an accident – what solicitor should I employ ?

Feb 8, 2017

If your local or previous solicitor specialises in personal injury claims, then, she may well be the solicitor for you.

But what if they’re not?  Well, you have choices and you don’t have to limit your choice by your own location or to someone you may have dealt with in the past on another legal matter e.g. buying your house.

For two decades, we have operated a worldwide service in personal injury claims (yes, I said “worldwide” and our offices are in the sticks !!!!) and our clients from all over the place are happy with this.  Many have never physically been to our offices, but they know us very well indeed and find it a very comfortable way of dealing with us.

With the benefit of modern communications and the internet, physical distance is no longer a problem.  

So, don’t worry about where your solicitor is when thinking about your personal injury claim.  What is important is making sure that you get the right solicitor you are comfortable with and that they have the specialist skill and experience to handle your case successfully.

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