Accident Claim Court costs set to rise – an article relating to Irish Law by Kilkenny Legal firm Holland Condon

Jul 3, 2013

Whereas everywhere in Ireland prices are falling, the arms of the Irish State seem to be living in another world. Court application fees for all Courts are increasing shortly. This follows on from an increase by the irish land registry to substantially increase application fees last December ( December 2013) – when the English Land registry had just reduced theirs !!!

The irish Courts service has just published a note saying =

Revised Court Fees – July 2013
The Courts Service has advised that new court fees orders are expected imminently. The changes are being introduced on a phased basis. The first phase reflects a general increase in
fees contained in the 2011 fees order.

The Courts Service expects this first phase to
commence in very early July. The remainder will come into effect on the commencement of the provisions currently
contained in Part 3 of the Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013 which will increase the jurisdictional limits that apply in the District Court and the Circuit Court respectively.

Principal changes to fees from July 2013 =

***Supreme Court Office and High Court Offices
• Fee of €l5.00 on all plain or attested copy documents, including copies of orders (copy orders made after January 2008 remain available free of charge by email to the
practitioners on record for the parties).
• Fee amounts have been rounded up to the nearest €5.00.
High Court Central Office
• Fee for enrolling a deed poll increases to €60.00.
Office of Wards of Court
• Fee for registering an Enduring Power of Attorney increases to €60.00.

***Probate Office
• Fees on an application for a primary grant of representation are increasing (details in Part 8 of the first schedule to the new Order).
• A new fee of €40.00 is being introduced for every occasion on which an application for a grant of representation is re-submitted to the Probate Office or the District Probate Registry. This is intended to encourage practitioners to take care in ensuring,
before lodging applications, that the same are complete and correct.

***Circuit and District Court fees
• Fee amounts have been rounded up to the nearest €5.00.
No changes have been made to fees payable on licensing applications in either the Circuit Court or the District Court.
No changes are made in the fees order in the fees for commencing proceedings, lodging
appeals or setting them down for trial in view of the imminent changes to jurisdictional

– an article relating to Irish Law by Kilkenny Legal firm Holland Condon

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